All dresses on Bloome Dress Hire can be pre-ordered, please contact us if you would like us to assist you with sizing or fit. 

All pre-orders can take between 3-4 weeks from the date order.

All our Pre-Orders can be cancelled for a full refund within 24 hours of the confirmed order.

Pre-Orders can be exchanged or swapped unless the supplied dress is damaged and/or faulty.

For enquiries please contact us on


Items that are purchased to keep (i.e. not hired) are final and cannot be returned for a refund or exchange. Credit notes/gift cards cannot be used to purchase clearance stock. Any orders placed using a credit note/gift card will be cancelled. 

IMPORTANT: Please note Clearance Sale items will be shipped/ready for pick up within 3-5 business days of order being placed.

Please note many of these dresses are second hand, please email us if you have any questions regarding the condition of a particular dress.

Any faults/damages must be reported within one business days of receiving the garment.