About Us

Based out of Sydney, we love being fashionable and edgy. Keeping up with the fast-paced fashion comes with a hefty price tag and its impact on our planet.

Determined to find a solution, we founded Bloome, a dress hire service that services for the show stopper. We envisioned a world where women could enjoy luxurious clothing without breaking the bank and harming the environment.

With a team of passionate and knowledgeable fashion experts, Bloome Dress Hire is the go-to destination for your dress hire services in Sydney and Australia. From parties to wedding ceremonies, we have you covered.


Our Vision and Mission

Our goal is to revolutionize the fashion industry and bring it full circle, empowering women to look and feel their best without having to choose between their style, bank account, or environmental health.

We are passionate about fashion and invite you to join us on this exciting journey. You can rent fantastic dresses to look fabulous at your events.